Energy & Power


The energy & power industry is undergoing unprecedented disruption on a global scale.

Traditional value chains and regulatory constructs are being challenged. This transitionary period from today to a decarbonized tomorrow, embracing this disruption, is called the energy transition.

Jacobs is helping our clients navigate this uncertain future around decarbonization, electrification demand and decentralization, by providing innovative and efficient solutions, including strategic advisory services, feasibility studies, condition assessments, modelling, master planning, concept and detailed design, and full-scale project implementation. From aging and retiring asset bases in traditional base load power systems, to the increasing penetration of intermittent renewable generation, Jacobs is supporting power utilities and private companies all around the world to find the best solutions to their energy and power challenges. The industry is at a junction whereby divergent paths are emerging, with quite distinct future scenarios. Trust Jacobs to help guide you through the energy transition.

Energy storage


As the world turns to intermittent forms of renewable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels for generation, energy storage will become increasingly important to provide short-and long-term balance in our power systems. 

Jacobs has been on the forefront of these energy storage projects for over 10 years being involved in the design and feasibility of many of the large pumped hydro energy storage schemes under development in the Asia-Pacific region over this period.  In addition to conventional hydro power design capability, Jacobs provides a range of services including optimization of generation-pumping cycles, optimization of reservoir capacities for generation, pumping and provision of ancillary services and integration studies with existing generation assets.

In more recent years, small- and large-scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) have also come  to  the  fore in electricity grids, being deployed to provide system stability or for time shifting of excess renewable energy. Jacobs has been involved in a range of BESS projects from development of specifications through to integration studies for engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) Contractors and oversight of the technical performance of EPC contractors on behalf of asset owners. Our strength is in our knowledge of BESS control systems, project delivery process, technical competence, and direct experience working on large systems. This includes a significant number of multi-megawatt-hours (MWh) BESS projects that have been developed across the U.S. and Asia-Pacific regions over the last 5 years.



With its potential to decarbonize a broad spectrum of industries, hydrogen is currently receiving renewed attention in many countries around the world as an alternative energy storage solution.  This resurgence is largely due to improvements in hydrogen production technologies and the declining cost of renewable energy, meaning that large-scale zero-emissions hydrogen production may be more viable now than ever before. The broad utilization of hydrogen has potential to play an important role in our drive toward a decarbonized, sustainable future.

Explore our hydrogen solutions

Renewable energy


Jacobs has been a leader in renewable energy for over 50 years.  We provide end-to-end services including grid connection studies, electricity market assessments, project siting, resource assessments, concept design, environmental and social impact assessments, permitting, business case development, detailed design, project management and owner’s engineering, independent engineering, construction monitoring, operations and maintenance advisory, due diligence, and environmental compliance monitoring.

We have a proud legacy of over 50 years in the design and development across all phases of hydro power stations in the United States of America (U.S.), the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the Asia-Pacific region. We provide innovative and cost-effective solutions for all components of hydropower schemes, including surface and underground power stations, with projects ranging from 0.2 to 2400 megawatts (MW). Our complete project expertise includes micro hydro plants, run-off river schemes, hydroelectric engineering and water resources master planning through to the design of dams and tunnels.

Over the past 40 years, Jacobs has built its expertise and global capability in all aspects of geothermal exploration, development, power generation and direct use. We have worked on more than 100 geothermal resources with over 3,000 MW of generation in over 20 countries, comprising more than one third of the world’s geothermal power generation capacity.

Jacobs has been involved with wind farm projects in New Zealand (NZ), Australia (AU), Asia, the U.K. and U.S. since the mid-1970s. We can develop wind energy projects in their entirety, from conception through design and construction, to operation and maintenance and eventual decommissioning.  Our wind operations and maintenance (O&M) team based in Blyth operates and maintains a portfolio of more than 150 MW of wind farms across the U.K. 

We are a leader in the development of solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities around the world with over 15 years of experience.  This is a rapidly evolving sector and Jacobs is on the leading edge with our clients developing bifacial single-axis tracking solar projects integrated with agricultural facilities (agrivoltaics). 

In addition to large- and small-scale grid integrated renewables, we are experienced in the development of hybrid renewable energy systems and have the tools and experience to model and design various renewable energy sources coupled with batteries, hydrogen and diesel generation as required.

Explore our offshore wind solutions

Transmission & distribution


As the world transitions from large-scale centralized thermal power generation to distributed small- and large-scale renewable energy systems, the role of electricity transmission and distribution networks becomes increasingly important.  Many countries are also looking to the electricity grid to decarbonize their transportation fleets.

At the small-scale, reliable distribution networks and micro-grids with smart technology enable peer-to-peer sharing of energy and rapid restoration of load, while integrating on-site energy sources such as combined heat and power and renewables reduces carbon impacts and boosts resilience.

Large-scale renewable energy resources are often remote from the load.  High voltage alternative current and high voltage direct current interconnectors are required to shift bulk power generated from large solar farms or onshore and offshore wind farms to load centers.  These interconnectors can add resilience to otherwise stressed power systems. 

Jacobs has decades of experience designing electricity transmission and distribution systems all around the world and continues to be on the forefront of emerging technologies including microgridssmart grid systems, electric vehicle (EV) charging, and electrification of rail.  We have world class grid stability and power systems analysis capability as integration of renewables into power grids becomes more complex.

Explore our decarbonization solutions

Thermal generation & distributed heat


Many countries are transitioning their electricity generation systems away from utilizing coal and diesel for base load generation.  In addition to its expertise in renewable energy, Jacobs is leading the transition with lower emission base load alternatives such as high efficiency combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT)biomass generation facilities and energy-from-waste (EfW).   Carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions will be a key part of meeting the decarbonization challenge.

As an industry leader providing solutions for complex energy and infrastructure challenges, Jacobs designs and implements efficient combined heat and power (CHP) and district energy projects.  Clients include utilities, as well as both private and public sector entities, including universities, hospital districts, federal agencies, and business districts.  We tackle the interrelated tasks and processes - from detailed planning through implementation - to address all aspects of efficient and reliable CHP project development.

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